Class Announcements: 2017
Announcements from 2014 are here
announcements from 2015 are here
announcements from 2016 are Here
We have recently learned of the death of Alfred Wild "Alf" Gardner on December 3, 2018. We will post additional information as available. Posted 12/7
We have recently learned of the death of Purd B Wright III on November 22, 2018. We will post additional information as available. Posted 12/7
John Brodsky has advised of the death of his father Dr. John Putnam "Put" Brodsky on November 20, 2018. A memorial service will be held at First Presbyterian Church of Rumson in January. Posted 11/20
The University has advised of the death of Dr. Frederic A. Alling on October 22, 2018 in Marblehead, Massachusetts. Details of his Memorial service are in Upcoming Events above.
The University has advised of the death ofHarrison Jerome "Jerry" Uhl, Jr. on October 3, 2018 in Princeton, New Jersey. Details of his Memorial service are in Upcoming Events above.
Helen Ely has advised that her husband, Michael E. C. Ely, died on October 18, 2018, at the in Arlington, Virginia. His obituary will be posted on the Memorials page when it is received, and the details of his Memorial service are in Upcoming Events above.
Posted 10/22
William H. Vincent has advised that his father, Thomas N. Vincent, passed away on May 25, 2018.
Timothy Murdoch wrote: I am sad to report that my father, William F. Murdoch, Jr., died on July 30th. A memorial service will be held at the Princeton University Chapel on December 22, 2018 at 2:00 pm with a reception to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Fisher Center for Alzheimer's Research Foundation
Posted 8/7
Paul Mueller has advised: One of my roommates for our four P'ton years John Parker died at his home in Falmouth Fireside, Maine on June 26th. John had found out several months ago that he had MDS cancer. He was doing well with chemo for 5 days and then off for 3 weeks as I recall, but while the prognosis was not good, he was not expecting to die so soon. There was a sudden change over that weekend, and he died peacefully at home with family around.
Bob Jiranek has shared some of his photos from the 66th Reunion. Do you have any photos to share?
Julie Sept emailed: I am writing to let you know that my dad, William K. Raymond, class of 1952, died on May 28, 2018. My Dad was very connected to Princeton which was also his father's (Ralph Williams Raymond) alma mater. I remember the many times Dad attended reunion weekends and all the orange and black jackets he had in his closet! Thank you for letting his classmates know about this news. If anyone would like to be in touch with the family please feel free to pass along my contact information. Kind regards, Julie Raymond Sept (510) 693-1246.
Posted 6/14
Thomas Matthew Matter emailed: "I am writing to notify you of the passing of my father, Thomas Matter, Princeton Class of 1952." See full note on Memorials page.
Posted 6/13
Dave Smith has updated information on the July Mini-Reunion. There is still one stateroom available [as of June 1]. See the Reunions page for details.
Posted 6/6
George Towner has advised of the death of Frank Carlucci on June 3, 2018, at his home in McLean, Virginia.
Posted 6/4
The University has advised of the death of William S. "Bill" Morgan on May 16, 2018, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Posted 5/30
Dave Middlebrook emailed: I am writing to share with you and the Class of '52 the sad news of my father's passing. Robert Bruce (Bob). Middlebrook died at 11:44 am on April 22, 2018. I have attached a copy of his obituary in docx (Word) format, and a link to it on line. Dad was proud to be a Princeton graduate and, in particular, a member of the Class of '52. I will remember him -- and all of you -- as he was most surely meant to be remembered: marching in the P-rade, dressed in a gaudy jacket, and smiling ear to ear while shouting the Tiger cheer. -- Dave Middlebrook
Posted 5/4
Bob Krayer's son Bill wrote: I plan on bringing dad back to New Jersey where he'll be back with Mom. I am trying to get a lot of grandchildren together for the memorial service we'll have at St. Peter's in Essex Fells. Right now I am shooting for Saturday, September 15th. Please feel free to join. I will be placing a late obituary in the Star Ledger when I am certain of the date and time. I hope that the word does get out and any of his old friends are welcome to come and share stories. I would love to hear more, directly from his old buddies. Dad had 11 grandchildren, two are mine and the others are scattered. Right now I believe we have 10 confirmed. Those are great stats and a grand send off to actually get them together. I will write you again as the time gets closer and we would love to have you join us. Kind Regards, Bill Krayer
Posted 4/30
The University has advised of the death of John Neville Farmer on July 10, 2016, and of Donald Roots Hall on April 30, 2017. Obituaries are posted on the Memorials page.
Posted 4/3/2018
Banks Anderson writes: Bob Krayer ’52 was a roommate of mine at Princeton and died Tuesday April 17,2018 of pneumonia in Vancouver, BC (according to the eMail below). His wife had died years ago of dementia and I received the eMail below from one of is sons, Bill. Bob was I believe for a time at least on the track team at Princeton running sprints and was a member of Cannon Club. Upon his retirement from chemical engineering he and Biff bought a motor home and spent some years on the road maintaining an address at the lowest tax venue they could find. Nancy and I had a chance to visit with them on one of their trips to the triangle area of NC. After Biff became demented they had to give this up and they and he spent their last years on the West Coast at various locations. I do not know when he went to Vancouver.
Ed Masinter writes: I just learned that Jack Ball died on March 9. There will be a funeral on March 23 in Greenwich, CT. You can Google his name and get the obituary. Very unhappy news.
Annella Dosdall emailed: With great sadness Tom Dosdall went to heaven this morning on March 9th 2018. One of his most favorite times was at Princeton and his continuous relationships with ( the Guys) from the Great Class of 1952.
The University has advised of the death of William Keller "Bill" Cooper in Tampa, Florida, on October 25, 2017.
Posted 1/26
Martha Megargee has advised of the death of her father, Richard Megargee, in December 17, 2017, in Tampa, Florida.
Posted 1/8
Put Brodsky has advised of the death of Gerhard Andlinger on December 22, 2017, at his home in Vero Beach, Florida.
Posted 1/7
Mibs Southerland, Alumni Affairs: I just wanted to be sure that you and your classmates are aware that Charlie Refrew '52 died this week. [On the Memorials page] is his wonderful obituary sent to Margaret Miller from his stepson,Stanton Orser '80. I love the following line: Judge Renfrew is survived by his wife of 33 years, Barbara Jones Renfrew, 8 of his children, 21 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren, as well as rivers around the world full of relieved trout. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
John Gilbert has reported: Our family is deeply saddened to inform you that Norman Gilbert passed away this past Sunday evening, November 26, at the age of 87. John's tribute to his father is posted on our Memorials page.
Posted 12/3
Fellow Classmates: I am very sorry to report that our Classmate Harry Brightman died on November 13. Harry ptiched three no-hitters for Princeton and later was president of the Princeton Club of St. Louis. His funeral was held on Monday, November 20th. Details to come. George Aman, President
Posted 11/21
Fellow Classmates: With deepest sadness we report together the sudden death of Kent Rogers on November 12. Kent died of a head injury sustained while walking on the campus the day after she and Past President Steve had attended a meeting and dinner of the Class Executive Committee. Details will follow.
George Aman, President
Put Brodsky, Immediate Past President
George Towner, Secretary-Treasurer
Posted 11/15
Princeton Class Affairs notified us: When Hale Bradt '52 began reading his late father's letters from World War II, the words "just grabbed me, viscerally," he says. After decades of research, including trips to the Pacific islands where his father served, Bradt wrote about how the war reshaped his family. Hale Bradt, was featured in Princeton Alumni Weekly. You can read the article here: and see a photo of Hale Bradt '52, left, with grandson Ben Hoskins in Georgetown, Colo.
Posted 11/13
Princeton Class Affairs notified us: When Hale Bradt `52 began reading his late father's letters from World War II, the words "just grabbed me, viscerally," he says. After decades of research, including trips to the Pacific islands where his father served, Bradt wrote about how the war reshaped his family. Hale Bradt, was featured in Princeton Alumni Weekly. You can read the article here: and see a photo of Hale Bradt `52, left, with grandson Ben Hoskins in Georgetown, Colo.
Posted 11/13
Prof. Jean Smith '54 has generously provided the text of his remarks at the 65th Reunion on "Generals as President". This is now posted on the Class Forum page.
Posted 11/8
Jackie Cohen wrote: I wanted to let you know that my husband, Irvin Cohen Jr, from the class of `52 passed away last Tuesday, October 31, after a long battle with Parkinsons' Disease.The funeral will be held at 2:30 pm on Sunday, November 5 at Temple Beth El in Portland, Maine.
Hi All: FYI the Philadelphia area group recently held its first mixed regional lunch. We convened on Tuesday October 3 at the Merion Cricket Club, with a group consisting of Stokes and Diane Carrigan, Jean McNelis and Ellen and George Aman. Conversation was lively as we knew it would be, and we're happy to join the other regions that have adopted this format. George Aman
Put Brodsky sent the following: My son, Rob, was a member of St.Martins [Episcopal Church] when he lived in Houston, as are Jim Baker and George Bush, Sr. Jim's a preacher as well as a statesman. Not surprising.
Jim's remarks are posted below under Did You Know, and continue on the Class Forum page [see News drop-down menu.]
Posted 10/19

Greetings to all.. See below. This gives an option to kill Wednesday night next week If you are free. Be of good cheer! Ben Harer
NARCOTIC OF THE NILE: THE BLUE LOTUS IN ANCIENT EGYPT By W. Benson Harer, Jr. MD Independent Scholar, Seattle, Washington September 27, 2017; 7PM Folio: the Seattle Athenaeum (see below) Free for ARCE and Folio Members. $5 for all others (exact change please)
The blue lotus figures prominently in Egyptian religion, art and architecture. It contains four potent narcotic alkaloids. This talk will demonstrate that the ancient Egyptians understood their properties and utilized the lotus in religious funerary settings and in Festivals of Drunkenness. The goal of the latter was to eliminate all inhibitions and then indulge in gratuitous sex and ultimately pass out. The participant would hope to see the goddess Hathor/Sekhmet/Bastet in the process. Educated at Princeton and the Univ. of Pennsylvania, Dr. Harer practiced medicine in San Bernardino for three decades, eventually serving as Director at Riverside Co. Reg. Medical Center. A Clinical Prof. of OB/GYN at Western Univ. of Health Sciences, Dr. Harer was also an Adjunct Prof. of Art at Cal State San Bernardino. He has written many articles in both medicine and Egyptology, including medical care in ancient Egypt and the narcotic and biologic properties of the lotus. He analyzed the CT scans of King Tutankhamun proving that the king was buried without his heart and anterior chest wall, theorizing that Tut was killed by a hippo. Dr. Harer has served on the Board of Governors of ARCE and was a founding member of ARCE chapters in Orange County, CA and Seattle. He has participated in many archaeological expeditions to Egypt and Sudan and has lectured regularly about medicine in Egypt.Where? Folio: the Seattle Athenaeum 315 Marion Street Seattle, WA 98104 Tel: 206.402.4162For more information about the American Research Center in EgyptNorthwest Chapter please see our Facebook page at: or contact us at parking for $5 at garage across the street at 901 Fifth Ave. Building or at Seattle Public Library for $6 or Fourth and Marion Garage for $7. Easy walk from University Street Link station.
Diz Gillespie reports: "I learned this evening that Geoff Nunes died last night [September 11th] at a hospice in Cambridge. His wife Clare and the children were there when he departed." The memorial service for Geoff Nunes is Saturday September 30th at 4 pm at Harvard Memorial Chapel with a reception at Loeb House in Cambridge MA.
Fellow Classmates: You will be saddened and distressed as I was, to hear that we lost Geoff on Monday September 11. Geoff died in hospice in Cambridge Mass. He was a most likable guy and a devoted member of the Class. Geoff lent his sharp legal mind and good judgement to the work of the Executive Committee over many years. He truly will be missed. We send deep sympathy to his wife Clare and their family. We'll provide more details as soon as possible. Sadly, George Aman
Joe Masi, class Poet - presented one of his poems at our 65th Reunion. Read his poetry on the Class Authors page.
Helen M. Wilson, with sadness, reports the death of Roger A. Wilson on July 10, 2017. Obituary posted on Memorials page.
Posted 7/12
Guy Hollyday announces "I have just published a second edition of my oral history of our neighborhood,
Stone Hill in Baltimore: Stories from a Cotton Mill Village. stories of the coming of modern living (running water in the home, electricity, phones, the end of horse-drawn vehicles, etc. Web site: Posted 7/7
The University has informed us of the death of George C. Kline, Sr. on Friday, June 9, 2017, at his home.
Pavica Kneedler wrote: "My father-in-law, Franklin Kneedler, was a member of the Class of 1952. I am sorry to have to inform you of his death on December 21st, 2016. He died after a brief illness with his family at his bedside. I just wanted to let you know. I know that his time at Princeton meant a great deal to him."
Posted 6/20
To The Great Class of 1952
It was with a mixture of surprise, pleasure and humility that I received the beautifully framed letter of appreciation from George Aman at our Class dinner Friday evening of our 65th Reunion, particularly after I later had a chance to read it carefully. As you all know, I did not expect to be president, and certainly John Clutz deserved the honor in view of his many years of devoted service to the class. It was a great honor to be president of this remarkable class and a challenge to live up to the standards set by those who preceded me as president. A heart felt "Thank You" to all who signed the letter and to the Class for allowing me the privilege of serving as President of the Class of 1952, 2013 - 2017. Put Brodsky
Posted 6/13
Dr. Robert A. Johnston, Jr. on May 31. Bob was a native of Houston and graduated from the Fountain Valley School, Colorado Springs, Colorado. There he played football which was continued by playing on the 150 pound team here along with golf. After graduating from Johns Hopkins Medical School he returned to Houston where he and other doctors founded the Medical Clinic of Houston. He is survived by his wife Nancy Johnston, a son Thomas M. Johnston, a daughter Sallie Johnston and three stepchildren, S. Timothy Needham, Jennifer Lynne Needham, Amy Lee Walker, and three grandchildren and five step grandchildren. His Memorial Service will be held on Thursday, June 15 at 2:00 PM at St. Martin's Episcopal Church, 717 Sage Road, Houston, TX 77056. The Class grieves with his family the loss of a superlative Classmate.
Posted 6/9
The class has received information that Jerome W. Canter died on May 23,2017 in Bethesda, MD. Jerry entered the George Washington University School of Medicine at the end of his third year at Princeton. His field was surgical oncology and he was Clinical Professor of Surgery at the George Washington University Medical Center. More information will be posted on our website when available.
Posted 5/28
The Revised Schedule of Class events for the 65th Reunion has been posted to the Reunions page. It will also be emailed to Class members and emailed/mailed to all who have registered for the Reunion. Also, a copy will be in your packet at Registration.
Posted 5/17
We have just learned of the deaths of three Classmates - Samuel Tucker on April 7, George Buxton on May 5, and George Brantz on May 12. Obituaries are posted on the Memorials page.
Posted 5/15

We have received the volume "Studies in Honor of Robert ter Horst '52 edited by among others, his daughter, Eleanor ter Horst published by TSI Press. The book states:"This collection of essays honors Robert ter Horst, a scholar of comparative literature. The contributions reflect the diversity of the honoree's interests. While most of the essays focus on Spanish literature of the late 15 through 17 centuries other national traditions are represented, and essays exhibit a variety of scholarly approaches. The texts under scrutiny range from poetry, prose and drama of the early modern era though contemporary theater and film. Following personal tributes to Professor ter Horst from the three co-editors eleven essays by scholars in the fields of Spanish and comparative literature comprise this volume.
Posted 5/11
Princeton Alumni Weekly will be conducting oral-history interviews during Reunions this year at Blair Tower, and we're asking for your help to spread the word about the project to your classmates. The project is open to anyone who has a Princeton-related story to share. A selection of interviews will be featured in future episodes of our PAW Tracks podcast, and all interviews will be transcribed for the University Archives. Alumni interested in participating can register online at and if the appointment slots do not fill up, we may also have "walk-in" hours. Thanks in advance for your help, and if you have any questions, please let me know. Best, Brett Tomlinson, Digital Editor PAW, 609.258.1160 PAW.PRINCETON.EDU
Posted 5/11
Dues Are Due! Have you paid yours?
As of January 24, we have received dues from 156 of the 337 Class Members, 46.3%
The Class has learned of the death of John Carl Peak on April 26, 2017, in La Jolla, California, from his niece Nicki Birch.
Steve Rogers has advised the death of John Oliver Gauthier on April 23, 2017, in Springfield, Virginia.
The University has advised the death of John David Herbert on March 27, 2017
The University has advised the death of Donavin Baumgartner on April 3, 2017.
Class Memorialist John Moore reports that Colin McAneny's daughter got in touch to say that he died on March 14, 2017.
The class has learned of the death of Donald Malehorn on March 16, 2017. There will be a memorial celebration of his life on May 6 at the Westin Governor Morris, Morristown, NJ 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Posted 3/23
April 26, 2017
The Memorial Service for George Newlin will be Wednesday, April 26th at 1:00 pm at the Princeton Friends Meeting, 470 Quaker Road, Princeton. Service is in traditional Quaker format - silent meditation with all attendees welcome to speak - and will last a little over an hour.
April 24, 2017
The spring luncheon of the Triangle Area '52 group will be Monday, April 24, noon-2:00, Parizade Restaurant board room. As per tradition, wives and a guest speaker are cordially invited.
The Class has just recently learned of the death of seven Classmates not previously reported: Joseph S. Parry on September 21, 1998; Michael V. Anthony on April 28, 2011; Christopher Carver on September 7, 2011; Richard S. Vogels on November 10, 2011; Robert Eugene Field on May 9, 2012, in Arizona; Casimir Edwin Max on January 1, 2016; and Robert C. McDougal on August 29, 2016.
Posted 3/15
John Moore, Memorialist for the Class of `52, has advised of the death of Alex McGhie on January 17, 2017, in Portland, Maine.
Posted 3/8
Tom Leary prepared a Memorial for his roommate George Newlin, which is now posted on the 2016 Memorials page.
Posted 3/2
Bill Pritchard has advised of the death of his father, William Lee Pritchard, on Saturday, February 25, 2017, in Charlotte, NC. A Memorial Service will be held on Friday, March 3, at 11 a.m., at St. Peters Episcopal Church, 115 West 7th Street, Charlotte.
Posted 2/28
The Class has just learned that Benjamin A. Moore, Jr passed away at home in Charleston, SC on February 18, 2017. Information from Ben's daughter, Margaret Moore Miller '80, h52, Director of the Alumni Council, is that Ben's funeral service will be held on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at St.. Michael's Church, 71 Broad St., Charleston at 11:00 AM. Ben's obituary is posted in the Memorials section of our website.
Posted 2/20
Posted 2/17

The University has advised the death of Jim Armstrong on December 20, 2016, in Kalispell,
Montana, and Ken Negus on January 20, 2017, in Ewing, New Jersey.
Alicia Castillo, recipient of a Donald Hogue Burnett Scholarship, sent a thank you letter which is posted on the Announcements page.
Posted 1/27
The University has advised the death of Ben Sparkman on January 12, 2017, in Dallas, TX.
Bob Eby reported the Raleigh [NC] News and Observer has on obituary for Paul Lindsay's wife, Caroline. There will be a memorial service for her on Sunday, Jan. 29, at 3:00 p.m. at the Brinkley Baptist Church in Chapel Hill, NC.
Roger S. Berlind '52 Playwrights-in-Residence announced
The Lewis Center for the Arts and McCarter Theatre have announced two Roger S. Berlind '52 Playwrights-in-Residence. Award-winning playwrights Naomi Iizuka and Sarah Ruhl have been selected to engage with Princeton students in the coming year through teaching, master classes, or workshops and will each write and develop a new play in collaboration with McCarter.
Posted 1/17

We have recently learned of the death of Allen Ellis on December 18, 2016.
Posted 1/12

We have recently learned of the death of Ralph Bomonti on December 20, 2016.
Posted 1/03